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31 de outubro de 2021
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Teve várias profissões durante a juventude, no interior de São Paulo. Foi engraxate, mecânico, pedreiro etc. até participar de um programa de calouros da Rádio Cultura e se classificar em primeiro lugar. A partir daí passou a atuar como crooner em casas noturnas, radicando-se na capital paulista em 1960. Lançou compactos e o LP "O Samba Como Ele É", contendo a música "O Morro Não Tem Vez", que Tom e Vinicius, o primeiro sucesso lançado pelo cantor. Seu nome tornou-se mais conhecido a partir de 1964, quando gravou o grande sucesso "Deixa Isso pra Lá" (Alberto Paz/ Edson Menezes), considerado uma espécie de precursor do rap, por ter uma parte falada, em ritmo funkeado. Em 1965 conheceu Elis Regina e gravou com ela três LPs ao vivo, "Dois na Bossa", volumes 1, 2 e 3. O sucesso foi tanto que Elis e Jair passaram a comandar um programa da TV Record, O Fino da Bossa, um dos mais importantes musicais da televisão brasileira. Participou também de festivais, dividindo em 1966 o primeiro lugar no Festival da Record. Sua interpretação de "Disparada" (G. Vandré/ T. Barros) empatou com "A Banda" de Chico Buarque. No mesmo ano lançou um de seus maiores sucessos, "Tristeza" (Niltinho/ Haroldo Lobo). Também atuou em festivais no exterior, como Montreux e San Remo. Outras músicas que se tornaram populares na voz de Jair Rodrigues foram "Triste Madrugada" (Jorge Costa), "Casa de Bamba" (Martinho da Vila), "Tengo-Tengo (Mangueira, Minha Querida Madrinha)" (Zuzuca) e "Vai, Meu Samba" (Ari do Cavaco/ Otacílio de Souza). [Creditos: cliquemusic]
Had several jobs during youth , in São Paulo . Was shoe mechanic , mason etc. . to participate in a program for freshmen Radio Culture and qualify first. Since then he has acted as a crooner in nightclubs it, rooted in the state capital in 1960 . Compact and released LP " The Samba As It Is " , containing the song " The Hill Has No Time," Tom and Vinicius , the first successfully launched by the singer . His name has become better known since 1964 , when he recorded the hit " let it go " ( Alberto Paz / Edson Menezes ) , considered a kind of precursor to rap for having a spoken part in funkeado pace . Elis Regina met in 1965 and recorded three albums with her live , " Two Bossa " , Volumes 1 , 2 and 3 . It was so successful that Elis and Jair started to operate a program on TV Record , O Fino da Bossa , one of the most important music of Brazilian television . He also participated in festivals , sharing first place in 1966 at the Record Festival . His interpretation of " Shot " ( G. Vandre / T. Barros ) drew with " The Band " by Chico Buarque . In the same year launched one of their biggest hits , " Sadness " ( Niltinho / Haroldo Lobo ) . He also served in festivals abroad, such as Montreux and San Remo . Other songs that became popular in the voice of Jair Rodrigues were "Triste Madrugada " ( Jorge Costa ) , "Casa de Bamba " ( Martinho da Vila ) , " Tengo - Tengo ( Hose , My Dear Godmother ) " ( Zuzuca ) and "Go , My Samba " ( Ari Cavaco / Otacílio de Souza ). [Credits : ABM ]
Had several jobs during youth , in São Paulo . Was shoe mechanic , mason etc. . to participate in a program for freshmen Radio Culture and qualify first. Since then he has acted as a crooner in nightclubs it, rooted in the state capital in 1960 . Compact and released LP " The Samba As It Is " , containing the song " The Hill Has No Time," Tom and Vinicius , the first successfully launched by the singer . His name has become better known since 1964 , when he recorded the hit " let it go " ( Alberto Paz / Edson Menezes ) , considered a kind of precursor to rap for having a spoken part in funkeado pace . Elis Regina met in 1965 and recorded three albums with her live , " Two Bossa " , Volumes 1 , 2 and 3 . It was so successful that Elis and Jair started to operate a program on TV Record , O Fino da Bossa , one of the most important music of Brazilian television . He also participated in festivals , sharing first place in 1966 at the Record Festival . His interpretation of " Shot " ( G. Vandre / T. Barros ) drew with " The Band " by Chico Buarque . In the same year launched one of their biggest hits , " Sadness " ( Niltinho / Haroldo Lobo ) . He also served in festivals abroad, such as Montreux and San Remo . Other songs that became popular in the voice of Jair Rodrigues were "Triste Madrugada " ( Jorge Costa ) , "Casa de Bamba " ( Martinho da Vila ) , " Tengo - Tengo ( Hose , My Dear Godmother ) " ( Zuzuca ) and "Go , My Samba " ( Ari Cavaco / Otacílio de Souza ). [Credits : ABM ]
Total Time: 71 min
DENNIS BROWN - The General
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Bitrate:: 256 kbps
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Começou sua carreira musical cedo e quando atingiu 12 anos, ele tornou-se membro do grupo "Bryon Lee e the Dragonaires". Uma visita ao Studio One, com a idade de 12 resultou em seus primeiros hits, os singles "No Man Is an Island" e "If I Follow My Heart". Em uma carreira que durou 3 décadas, Dennis trabalhou com muitos dos principais nomes do reggae, começando com Coxon Dodd no Studio One, passando a trabalhar com artistas e produtores, tais como Winston (Niney) Holness, Joe Gibbs, Derrick Harriott, Herman Chin - Loy, Sidney Crooks, Prince Buster, Randy, Phil Pratt e GG Ranglin entre outros como Clive Hunt e Willie Lindo, Errol Thompson, Sly & Robbie, Gussie Clarke, Tad Dawkins, Trevor Bow, Bunny Lee e Delroy Wright. Na década de 1990, Dennis trabalhou com astros como Junior Reid, Michael Bennett, e quem pode esquecer os lados lendário corte com Big Youth volta na década de 1970. Depois lançou o hit "Money in My Pocket" nas paradas pop da Inglaterra, durante o final dos anos 70, mudou-se para Londres e lá permaneceu por muitos anos. Isto resultou em muitos hits e um contrato com a A & M Records. Em 1994 ele foi indicado para um Grammy com o álbum "Light My Fire". Bob Marley certa vez declarou Dennis Brown como seu cantor favorito, e o apelidou de "O Príncipe do Reggae". Dennis Brown sofria por ter apenas um pulmão, morreu em 1 de julho de 1999 de complicações respiratórias por causa de uma pneumonia quando estava internado no Hospital Universitário de West Indies. Ele deixou uma esposa e 13 filhos. [Fonte: wikipedia]
He began his musical career early and when he reached 12, he became a member of the group "Bryon Lee and the Dragonaires." A visit to Studio One, at the age of 12 resulted in their first hits, the singles "No Man Is an Island" and "If I Follow My Heart." In a career that spanned three decades, Dennis has worked with many leading names in reggae, beginning with Coxon Dodd at Studio One, going to work with artists and producers such as Winston (Niney) Holness, Joe Gibbs, Derrick Harriott, Herman Chin - Loy, Sidney Crooks, Prince Buster, Randy, Phil Pratt and GG Ranglin and others like Clive Hunt and Willie Lindo, Errol Thompson, Sly & Robbie, Gussie Clarke, Tad Dawkins, Trevor Bow, Bunny Lee and Delroy Wright. In 1990, Dennis worked with stars such as Junior Reid, Michael Bennett, and who can forget the legendary court sides with Big Youth back in the 1970s. Then released the hit "Money in My Pocket" on the pop charts in England during the late '70s, he moved to London and remained there for many years. This resulted in many hits and a contract with A & M Records. In 1994 he was nominated for a Grammy with the album "Light My Fire". Bob Marley once said Dennis Brown as his favorite singer, and dubbed "The Prince of Reggae". Dennis Brown suffered from having only one lung, died on July 1, 1999 from respiratory complications due to pneumonia when he was admitted to the University Hospital of the West Indies. He left a wife and 13 children. [Source: wikipedia]
He began his musical career early and when he reached 12, he became a member of the group "Bryon Lee and the Dragonaires." A visit to Studio One, at the age of 12 resulted in their first hits, the singles "No Man Is an Island" and "If I Follow My Heart." In a career that spanned three decades, Dennis has worked with many leading names in reggae, beginning with Coxon Dodd at Studio One, going to work with artists and producers such as Winston (Niney) Holness, Joe Gibbs, Derrick Harriott, Herman Chin - Loy, Sidney Crooks, Prince Buster, Randy, Phil Pratt and GG Ranglin and others like Clive Hunt and Willie Lindo, Errol Thompson, Sly & Robbie, Gussie Clarke, Tad Dawkins, Trevor Bow, Bunny Lee and Delroy Wright. In 1990, Dennis worked with stars such as Junior Reid, Michael Bennett, and who can forget the legendary court sides with Big Youth back in the 1970s. Then released the hit "Money in My Pocket" on the pop charts in England during the late '70s, he moved to London and remained there for many years. This resulted in many hits and a contract with A & M Records. In 1994 he was nominated for a Grammy with the album "Light My Fire". Bob Marley once said Dennis Brown as his favorite singer, and dubbed "The Prince of Reggae". Dennis Brown suffered from having only one lung, died on July 1, 1999 from respiratory complications due to pneumonia when he was admitted to the University Hospital of the West Indies. He left a wife and 13 children. [Source: wikipedia]
Total Time: 31 min
28 de outubro de 2021
SILVERCHAIR - Frogstomp [Recommended]
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Bitrate 256 kbps
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Silverchair é uma banda australiana de Rock formada em 1992. A banda foi formada em Newcastle, New South Wales, Austrália com o nome Innocent Criminals pelo vocalista Daniel Johns, o baixista Chris Joannou, e o baterista Ben Gillies. Silverchair tem obtido um sucesso extremo na indrustria musical australiana, sendo a banda recordista de prêmios do ARIA Awards. A sonoriedade da banda evoluiu muito no decorrer da sua carreira, com cada albúm tendo um gênero diferente em vez de crescer musicalmente em um único gênero, do post-grunge no seu albúm de estréia para o mais recente pop instrumental progressivo. O estilo de voz e de composição de Daniel Johns notavelmente melhorou firmemente enquanto que a banda desenvolveu um aumento na complexidade dos trabalhos mais recentes. Silverchair já vendeu mais de 6 milhões de albúns até hoje. Em 1992, os colegas de turma do ensino fundamental, Daniel Johns e Ben Gillies começaram a tocar juntos. Quando entraram para a Newcastle High School, os colegas de turma Chris Joannou e Tobin Finnane entraram para a banda como baixista e guitarrista, respectivamente. O quarteto formou a banda “Innocent Criminals”, que tocava versões de bandas como Midnight Oil, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath e Nirvana. Mais tarde, Tobin Finnane mudou-se para Inglaterra por causa do trabalho de seu pai. Restaram apenas três integrantes, Daniel Johns (vocal e guitarra), Ben Gillies (bateria) e Chris Joannou (baixo), que continuaram a tocar nos intervalos entre as aulas em sua própria escola. Com o tempo, Daniel começou a compor suas próprias canções. Depois de chamarem a atenção do jornal local Newcastle Mercury, a banda passou a ter mais tempo e um local próprio para ensaios. A popularidade da banda os rendeu um contrato para a gravação de três álbuns com a Sony Music, e sua gravação do Triple J foi lançada em Agosto de 1994. O single permaneceu no topo da parada da ARIA por seis semanas. Em 1995, uma versão regravada de Tomorrow (e um novo vídeo) foi lançada para o mercado norte-americano, tornando-se a canção mais tocada nas rádios do país naquele ano. O primeiro álbum do Silverchair, Frogstomp, foi gravado em apenas nove dias e lançado em 1995. Todos os integrantes da banda tinham apenas quinze anos e ainda estavam no segundo grau. Todas as letras foram baseadas em fatos fictícios, tendo como inspiração programas televisivos, tragédias locais e percepções de problemas dos amigos. O álbum foi bem recebido; as revistas Allmusic e Rolling Stone deram-no de 4 a 4,5 estrelas respectivamente, devido a intensidade do mesmo, especialmente do hit Tomorrow. Atingido o primeiro lugar na Austrália e na Nova Zelândia, Frogstomp ficou entre os 10 maiores do Billboard 200. O álbum vendeu mais de 2,5 milhões de cópias em todo o mundo. [Fonte: wikipedia]
Silverchair is an Australian rock band formed in 1992. The band was formed in Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia with the name Innocent Criminals by frontman Daniel Johns, bassist Chris Joannou, and drummer Ben Gillies. Silverchair has gotten extremely successful in the Australian recording indrustria, being the record holder band awards ARIA Awards. The sonoriedade the band has evolved in the course of his career, with each album having a different genre rather than musically grow in a single genre, post-grunge on their debut album to the latest progressive instrumental pop. The voice of style and Daniel Johns composition remarkably improved steadily as the band developed an increase in the complexity of the most recent work. Silverchair has sold over 6 million albums to date. In 1992, his classmates elementary school, Daniel Johns and Ben Gillies started playing together. When they moved on to Newcastle High School, his classmates Chris Joannou and Tobin Finnane joined the band as bassist and guitarist, respectively. The quartet formed the band "Innocent Criminals" who played versions of bands like Midnight Oil, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and Nirvana. Later, Tobin Finnane moved to England because of his father's work. There were only three members, Daniel Johns (vocals and guitar), Ben Gillies (drums) and Chris Joannou (bass), who continued to play in the intervals between classes at their own school. In time, Daniel began to compose his own songs. After calling the attention of the local newspaper Newcastle Mercury, the band began to have more time and a proper place for testing. The popularity of the band won a contract to record three albums with Sony Music, and his Triple J recording was released in August 1994. The single stayed atop the ARIA Albums chart for six weeks. In 1995, a re-recorded version of Tomorrow (and a new video) was made for the US market, becoming the most played song on radio stations in the country that year. The first album of Silverchair, Frogstomp, was recorded in just nine days and released in 1995. All members of the band had only fifteen years old and still attending high school. All letters were based on fictitious facts, taking inspiration from television, hometown tragedies, and perceptions of the pain of friends. The album was well received; the Allmusic and Rolling Stone magazine gave it 4 to 4.5 stars respectively, the intensity of it, especially the hit Tomorrow. Reached the first place in Australia and New Zealand, Frogstomp was among the 10 biggest Billboard 200. The album sold over 2.5 million copies worldwide. [Source: wikipedia]
Total Time: 45 min
27 de outubro de 2021
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