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27 de fevereiro de 2022
24 de fevereiro de 2022
FAR - Quick
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Depois de uma série de lançamentos locais, incluindo sua primeira fita demo sweating a river, not alive Lie (1991) e dois álbuns Listening Gamer (1992) e Fast (1994) que assinaram com a Epic Records / Immortal e lançou seu primeiro grande album Tin Cans with Strings to You (1996). Seu próximo lançamento foi um EP intitulado Logo (1997), que foi rapidamente seguido por seu quarto álbum e mais popular de água, data e Solutions (1998). Este álbum atraiu um forte culto seguindo final dos anos 90, principalmente devido ao single "Mother Mary" e sua turnê com amigos de longa data os Deftones e Incubus. O som mais melódico apresentado neste álbum é cada vez mais citado como uma influência em atuais bandas de rock alternativas pela imprensa de rock. Desde sua separação de 1999, os ex-membros do Extremo ter sido envolvido em uma série de projetos, muitas vezes, bastante experimental na natureza. [Fonte: wikipedia]
After a series of local releases, including his first demo tape sweating a river, not alive Lie (1991) and two albums Listening Gamer (1992) and Fast (1994) who signed with Epic Records / Immortal and released their first major album Tin Cans with Strings to You (1996). His next release was an EP entitled Logo (1997), which was quickly followed by his fourth and most popular album for water, data and Solutions (1998). This album attracted a strong cult following the late 90's, mainly due to the single "Mother Mary" and her tour with longtime friends the Deftones and Incubus. The most melodic sound presented on this album is increasingly cited as an influence on current alternative rock bands by the rock press. Since their 1999 separation, former members of the Extreme have been involved in a number of projects, often quite experimental in nature. [Source: wikipedia]
After a series of local releases, including his first demo tape sweating a river, not alive Lie (1991) and two albums Listening Gamer (1992) and Fast (1994) who signed with Epic Records / Immortal and released their first major album Tin Cans with Strings to You (1996). His next release was an EP entitled Logo (1997), which was quickly followed by his fourth and most popular album for water, data and Solutions (1998). This album attracted a strong cult following the late 90's, mainly due to the single "Mother Mary" and her tour with longtime friends the Deftones and Incubus. The most melodic sound presented on this album is increasingly cited as an influence on current alternative rock bands by the rock press. Since their 1999 separation, former members of the Extreme have been involved in a number of projects, often quite experimental in nature. [Source: wikipedia]
Total Time: 57 min
22 de fevereiro de 2022
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Natiruts é uma banda brasileira de reggae, formada em Brasília em 1996. Surgida no ano de 1996 em Brasília por Alexandre Carlo, que na época, estudante universitário, tinha a música como válvula de escape das suas alegrias e desilusões com a realidade brasileira. Sem pretensões maiores, visto que já estava encaminhado na profissão de analista de sistemas, compunha canções no estilo que mais se sentia à vontade: o reggae. Numa das cervejadas do time de futebol da UnB conheceu Waldivino Pires de Moraes Jr, mais conhecido como Juninho, com quem passou a fazer um som pelas festinhas em casas e apartamentos da cidade. Essa foi a semente da história da banda. Foi então que Alexandre convidou Luis Mauricio e Bruno Dourado, companheiros de time na UnB, para assumirem o baixo e a percussão. Fizeram alguns ensaios com essa formação. A princípio, era uma banda de reggae comum de quatro componentes, no entanto a influência da música brasileira era forte nas melodias e harmonias das músicas e a necessidade de se fazer um reggae roots brasileiro era definitiva. Por isso fez-se necessária a inclusão de mais elementos musicais na banda. Foi quando Izabella Rocha e Kiko Peres foram convidados a assumirem o backing vocal e guitarra solo. A partir daí a banda criaria identidade própria. O próximo passo, era gravar uma demo, a demo foi gravada ainda na época das fitas cassetes. A reprodução era caseira. Nos velhos três em um duplo deck. A aceitação foi boa por parte das críticas. Alguns shows aconteceram e logo concretizou-se a possibilidade de se gravar um CD. Kiko Peres tinha um amigo da cena musical brasiliense que estava radicado no Rio de Janeiro havia algum tempo. Esse amigo estava trabalhando num grande estúdio carioca e talvez conseguisse um esquema de pagamento por partes da tal gravação. Esse amigo era Tom Capone que acabou participando de uma faixa e posteriormente produziria dois discos da banda, o Verbalize e o Qu4tro que contou com Tonho Gebara na guitarra solo. Chamada inicialmente Nativus, a banda de reggae foi rebatizada de Natiruts devido a um grupo gaúcho de música regional, Os Nativos, que entrou com um processo. A banda brasiliense defende o reggae de raiz mas incorporou ao som uma grande influência brasileira. Quando ainda chamava-se Nativus, o grupo vendeu 40 mil discos independentes com o sucesso "Presente de um beija-flor", até ser contratada pela EMI. A nova edição do disco, Nativus, vendeu 450 mil cópias. [Fonte: lastfm]
Natiruts is a Brazilian reggae band, formed in Brasilia in 1996. Formed in 1996 in Brasilia by Alexandre Carlo, at the time, college student, had music as an escape valve of its joys and disappointments with the Brazilian reality. No major claims, as was already forwarded in systems analyst profession, wrote songs in the style that was comfortable: the reggae. One of UNB's soccer team cervejadas met Waldivino Pires de Moraes Jr, better known as Juninho, who went on to make a sound for little parties in homes and city apartments. That was the seed of the band's history. It was then that Alexander invited Luis Mauricio and Bruno Dourado, teammates at UNB, to assume the bass and percussion. They did some tests with this training. At first it was a common reggae band of four components, however the influence of Brazilian music was strong in the melodies and harmonies of music and the need to make a Brazilian roots reggae was final. Therefore it was necessary to include more musical elements in the band. Izabella was when Rock and Kiko Peres were invited to take the backing vocals and lead guitar. Since then the band would create its own identity. The next step was to record a demo, the demo was still recorded at the time of cassettes. The reproduction was homemade. In the old three in a double deck. Acceptance was good by the criticism. Some concerts took place and soon materialized the possibility to record a CD. Kiko Peres had a friend of Brasilia music scene who was living in Rio de Janeiro for some time. This friend was working in a large carioca studio and might be able to a payment scheme for parts of such recording. This friend was Tom Capone that just participating in a track and then produce two albums of the band, Verbalize and Qu4tro which featured Tonho Gebara on lead guitar. Initially called Nativus, the reggae band was renamed Natiruts due to a gaucho group of regional music, Natives, who filed a lawsuit. The Brasilia band defends the root of reggae but incorporated the sound a great Brazilian influence. When it was still called-Nativus, the group sold 40,000 independent disks with success "Gift of a hummingbird," to be hired by EMI. The new disc edition, Nativus, sold 450,000 copies. [Source: lastfm]
Total Time: 49 min
19 de fevereiro de 2022
MAQUINADO - Homem Binário
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A razão das mal traçadas deste release é o nascimento de Maquinado, Homem Binário. Uma ode às máquinas cometida pelo guitarrista Lúcio Maia. Coisa muito séria. Maia informa que, apesar da idéia o visitar desde os primeiros tempos de profissional da música, o álbum solo começou a ser desenvolvido assim que ele e Jorge Du Peixe finalizaram a trilha sonora do filme Amarelo Manga (2003), de Cláudio Assis. Imerso em gravações diárias que iam parar no laptop, o músico se viu com mais de 30 composições para referência. Trilha cinematrográfica entregue, o guitarrista deu início à formatação do que seria uma delirante epifania orgânico-digital. Abriu o templo para as preces em códigos binários. “A mecanização do pensamento”, argumenta. [Fonte: tramavirtual]
The reason of badly drawn this release is the birth of Machined, Binary Man. An ode to machinery committed by guitarist Lucio Maia. Something very serious. Maia reports that despite the idea to visit from the first professional music time, the solo album began to be developed as soon as he and Jorge Du Peixe finished the soundtrack of the film Yellow Manga (2003), Claudio Assis. Immersed in daily recordings that would stop on the laptop, the musician found himself with over 30 compositions for reference. Cinematrográfica track delivered, the guitarist began the formatting of what a delusional organic-digital epiphany. He opened the temple for prayers in binary codes. "The mechanization of thought," he argues. [Source: TramaVirtual]
Total Time: 39 min
LUIS WAGNER - Swingante
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Luís Vagner Dutra Lopes, natural de Bagé-RS é cantor, compositor e instrumentista brasileiro. Nascido e criado numa família ligada à música, Luís Vagner obtve seu primeiro violão como presente do avô e desde então procurou seu próprio caminho, após receber influências de todo o tipo de música. O que no entanto foi marcante para sua escalada musical foi a descoberta do rock, ao ver o filme No balanço das Horas, um dos marcos do estilo no Brasil, quando começou a compor algumas músicas. Em 1963, se muda com a família para Porto Alegre e participa da banda de rock The Jetsons, formada por ele e mais 4 integrantes. Em 1966, a banda migrou para São Paulo e se transformou na banda Os Brasas. A banda contava com um repertório próprio, tendo Luís Vagner e Tom Gomes como principais compositores. Nesse período, o cantor e compositor carioca Demétrius gravou a canção "Magoei seu coração", primeiro registro em disco de uma música de Luís Vagner. Em 1974, gravou seu primeiro disco, "Simples", e iniciou uma fusão de ritmos e gêneros musicais que o acompanhavam desde criança. Nesse disco, o samba-rock "Só que deram zero pro Bedeu" (homenagem a Jorge Moacir da Silva, o Bedeu, compositor gaúcho que forneceria muitos sucessos a Bebeto) repercute bem dentro do cenário de música negra no Brasil. Esse álbum, assim como alguns outros, é 100% autoral. Ainda em 1974, participou do disco "1990 - Projeto SalvaTerra", do cantor e compositor carioca Erasmo Carlos, tocando viola na música "A experiência". Em 2001, com a volta do samba-rock ao cenário musical, conseguiu nova projeção e se apresentou em diversas casas em São Paulo e Porto Alegre. Nessas ocasiões, foi freqüente a participação especial da banda paulistana Clube do Balanço, que teve em seu disco de estréia três músicas do guitarreiro (que participou inclusive da gravação do disco): "Saudade de Jackson do Pandeiro" (com Bedeu), "Trilha guitarreira" (com o guitarrista e compositor paulistano Marco Mattoli, líder da banda Club do Balanço e "Segura a nêga" (com Bebeto). [Fonte:wikipedia]
Vagner Luis Dutra Lopes, born in Bage-RS is a singer, songwriter and instrumentalist Brazilian. Born and raised in a family linked to music, Luis Vagner obtve his first guitar as a gift from his grandfather and has since sought his own way, after receiving influences from all kinds of music. What however was a milestone for his musical Rock climbing was the discovery, to see the film In the balance of the Hours, one of the landmarks of the style in Brazil, when he began to compose some songs. In 1963, he moved with his family to Porto Alegre and part of the rock band The Jetsons, formed by him and another 4 members. In 1966, the band moved to São Paulo and became the band The Embers. The band had their own repertoire, and Luis Vagner and Tom Gomes main composers. During this period, the singer and composer Demetrios Rio recorded the song "I hurt your heart," first recorded in disc of music of Louis Vagner. In 1974, he recorded his first album, "Simple", and started a fusion of rhythms and musical genres that accompanied him since childhood. In this disc, the samba-rock "But given zero pro Bedeu" (tribute to Moacir Jorge da Silva, Bedeu, gaucho composer who provide many successes Bebeto) resonates well within the black music scene in Brazil. This album, like some others, is 100% copyright. Also in 1974 he participated in the album "1990 - Salvaterra Project", the singer and songwriter Erasmo Carlos Rio, playing guitar on the song "Experience". In 2001, with the return of samba-rock to the music scene, he got new projection and performed in several houses in São Paulo and Porto Alegre. At such times, it was often the special participation of São Paulo band Swing Club, which took in his three-song debut disc guitarreiro (who took part including the disc recording): "Jackson Saudade of the Tambourine" (with Bedeu), "Trail . guitarreira "(with guitarist and composer Marco Mattoli São Paulo, Club Band leader sheet and" Safe to deny "(with Bebeto) [Source: wikipedia]
Vagner Luis Dutra Lopes, born in Bage-RS is a singer, songwriter and instrumentalist Brazilian. Born and raised in a family linked to music, Luis Vagner obtve his first guitar as a gift from his grandfather and has since sought his own way, after receiving influences from all kinds of music. What however was a milestone for his musical Rock climbing was the discovery, to see the film In the balance of the Hours, one of the landmarks of the style in Brazil, when he began to compose some songs. In 1963, he moved with his family to Porto Alegre and part of the rock band The Jetsons, formed by him and another 4 members. In 1966, the band moved to São Paulo and became the band The Embers. The band had their own repertoire, and Luis Vagner and Tom Gomes main composers. During this period, the singer and composer Demetrios Rio recorded the song "I hurt your heart," first recorded in disc of music of Louis Vagner. In 1974, he recorded his first album, "Simple", and started a fusion of rhythms and musical genres that accompanied him since childhood. In this disc, the samba-rock "But given zero pro Bedeu" (tribute to Moacir Jorge da Silva, Bedeu, gaucho composer who provide many successes Bebeto) resonates well within the black music scene in Brazil. This album, like some others, is 100% copyright. Also in 1974 he participated in the album "1990 - Salvaterra Project", the singer and songwriter Erasmo Carlos Rio, playing guitar on the song "Experience". In 2001, with the return of samba-rock to the music scene, he got new projection and performed in several houses in São Paulo and Porto Alegre. At such times, it was often the special participation of São Paulo band Swing Club, which took in his three-song debut disc guitarreiro (who took part including the disc recording): "Jackson Saudade of the Tambourine" (with Bedeu), "Trail . guitarreira "(with guitarist and composer Marco Mattoli São Paulo, Club Band leader sheet and" Safe to deny "(with Bebeto) [Source: wikipedia]
Total Time: 49 min
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